Spirits Messages by Jackie Woods

Spirit’s Messages – Workshop


See the happenings in your life as symbols by learning to separate out your attached perception.

This life-changing material is the difference between living in the joy of vertical alignment or the drudgery  of horizontal duality. Every interaction and every happening will generate a feeling. It will either come from a heart resonance or it will come from a person’s programming. This material can make the difference clear.

Understanding symbolically what energetic gift is at work in a moment, allows you to join others in loving a particular facet of that gift – which gives you a boost, as well!  It gives new meaning to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

In no time at all, this teaching by Jackie will impart the discernment to know that life perceived through the lower chakras is an illusion, and you can begin to make unified choices instead of selfish ones.

Spirit’s messages prompt us to feel love, let wisdom unfold, and put a stamp of power on our expressions!

Listen to an Excerpt

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