Higher Voice of Spirit

Higher Voice of Spirit vs. Lower Voice of Reason


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Reach Higher Love by overriding the urge to fix, defend, or over-emote with your lower three chakras. How? Jackie Woods teaches you how to see your heart chakra as a “mediator” between your upper and lower chakras.

You will also work with a new approach to activating your energetic kundalini cord that will totally redefine your view of spirituality!

In this recording, Jackie Woods discusses a simple truth; we are spiritual beings learning to become human.

From that truth you can:

  1. Find yourself satisfied with what you have in every moment.
  2. Access the spiritual hierarchy you are a part of and use it to replace the “power to control” with the “power to manifest.”
  3. Turn your aura into a powerful cylinder of light.

This recorded material is so advanced and loaded with higher truths, that you will unlock new insights each time you listen to it!

Listen to an Excerpt

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