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    Fair and Sunny

    by Jackie Woods

    How many conversations do you have about the weather? Most people share about it often, because weather is a safe topic in which to connect. This is because everyone is affected by the weather in some way. It can affect moods, production, income, and availability. But what is hailed as most special are the days that are fair and sunny. Too hot is not good, too cold is not good, too wet is not good, and too dry is not good. So we applaud Fair and Sunny.

    Because of this attitude, we applaud fair and sunny in several areas of our life. For instance, neither emotional intensity nor mental boredom is welcomed in the workplace. At home, your housemates are silently pleased when you offer a fair and sunny attitude around their latest idea. And while your closest friends are more tolerant about your swings away from fair and sunny, they can only handle so much before they either pull away or let you know they have had enough.

    So what are we to do with our mentally dry periods or our emotional stormy periods? Are we to hide in our rooms, let our journal become our only friend, or wear an imaginary “Beware” sign?  The answer for most folks is to have a handful of people who they can depend on to help them ride the waves that flow out from that middle point of fair and sunny. However, they still see those areas as danger zones if you get stuck there.

    I believe there is another use for our personal bad weather days other than just surviving them. What if you used those “extremes” as a way to gather up energetic pieces of yourself that gets cut off while maintaining fair and sunny? And if you can see how your “extremes” serve you in a beneficial way, would you be willing to welcome them? If you are open to the idea let me offer a way they can be used to expand your zone of fair and sunny.

    For example, if your feelings are sometimes stormy, claim the piece of passion that drives them and leave the storm behind. You can then take passion to work with you the next day, which will make your boss very grateful. Or if you need a quiet (dry) evening with a friend, don’t feel you are being a bore. Instead, claim the calm as a gift you can carry back to help maintain fair and sunny when it is needed.

    I think you will find it valuable to your health, your job, and your friends to expand your view of your internal weather. Fair and sunny can still remain your favorite, but don’t forget to use the “extremes” of internal weather to support your fair and sunny position in life.

    Would you like support in expanding your view of your internal weather?

    These selected recordings by Jackie will help.

    Comfort Zone of Woundedness by Jackie Woods
    Feelings by Jackie Woods
    Energetic Parenting by Jackie Woods